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Dr. Rahul M Sharma


MBBS, MS (Gen Surg), Mch (Urology), FMAS, Diploma in MIS(Germany),


Kidney Stones, Uro Oncology, Kidney Transplant, Prostate Surgery, Urine Infections, Male Infertility, Sexual Dysfunction, Female and Pediatric Urology

Advance Skills

Dip. ART and Reproductive Medicine (Germany)

Experience : 13 years

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Doctor available in

  • ILS Hospitals, Saltlake
  • ILS Hospitals, Dumdum
  • ILS Hospitals, Howrah
  • ILS Hospitals, Agartala



  1. Retroperitoneal Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour without Neurofibromatosis: A case report Published in IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences Vol.15, Issue 9, Ver.2, Sep.-2016
  2. Carcinoid Tumor of the Terminal Ileum – Case Report. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical sciences Vol 15.Issue 11, ver 9 Nov 2016.
  3. IPSS Score – A tool to evaluate effectiveness of TURP (Transurethral Resection of Prostate) – European Jornal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine.

ISSN 2515-8260 Volume 09, Issue 07, 2022.


1.Case presentation in Masterclasses held by CMC, Vellore in June  2021


1.A Paratesticular Leiomyoma- A Case Report of A Rare Benign Scrotal Mass


1.Evaluation of the effectiveness of TURP (TRANSURETHRAL RESECTION OF PROSTATE) in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Patients by IPSS (International Prostate Symptom Score)


  1. Quiz winner in 2nd Knowledge series of Genitourinary Cancers held in June 2020
  2. 3rd prize winner in SOGUS Uro Nephro Guntur Club Quiz held in January 2021
  3. 3rd prize winner in SOGUS – Uronephro club Quiz (January 2022)
  4. 1st Runner-up in South Zone Urology Quiz

Fellowship participation in conferences:

1.FMAS(Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery) held by AMASI in September 2020

2.Diploma in Minimal Invasive Surgery by AECS, University of Schleswig Holstein Keil ,Germany held in January 2021

3.Diploma in Advanced Reproductive Techniques and Reproductive Medicine by AECS, University of Schleswig Holstein Keil ,Germany held in July 2021

4.Observership in Renal Transplantation in NINS, Hyderabad


  1. Chief Medical Officer, Central Jail, Mumbai
  2. Chief Medical Officer, Global Hospitals, Mumbai
  3. Chief Medical Officer, Dialysis Unit, Seven Hills Hospital, Mumbai
  4. SICU Incharge, MT Agrawal Hospital, Mumbai
  5. Associate Consultant and Renal Transplant Surgeon, Apollo Hospitals, Mumbai
  6. Senior Consultant at Kharghar Multispeciality Hospital, Mumbai
  7. Senior Consultant at Eravio Multispeciality Hospital, Mumbai
  8. Senior Consultant at Om Navjeevan Hospital, Mumbai
  9. Senior Consultant at Polaris Hospital, Mumbai
  10. Senior Consultant at VAMC Hospital, Mumbai
  11. Senior Consultant at Bliss Clinic and Mithass Clinic, Mumbai


  • Urology


  • Kidney Stones
  • Uro Oncology
  • Kidney Transplant
  • Prostate Surgery
  • Urine Infections
  • Male Infertility
  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Female and Pediatric Urology

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