What You Need to Know About Heart Surgery?
Open-heart surgery is an important operation that saves many lives. Nowadays, new medical technology reduces the risk of this surgery. It is usually between 1% and 5%, which is similar to other surgeries. During this surgery, doctors make a cut to reach the heart and fix any problems inside it.
ILS Hospitals, the best heart hospital in Agartala has adopted the new medical technology. These include beating heart surgery, minimally invasive heart surgery (MICS), and robotic heart surgery. In these methods, the cuts are smaller, cause less damage, and look better after healing.
What is Open Heart Surgery?
Heart surgery commonly known as Cardiac surgery includes the operational activity of the heart or the blood vessels that are linked to the heart.
Heart surgery can aid the problems especially one who is born with congenital heart disease. It can also refurbish critical heart problems that might develop later. It is one of the most complex surgeries which includes a group of experienced and expert cardiologists. The best heart hospital in Howrah has a team of expert cardiologist to gives the best treatment for 24*7.
Who is Required to have Heart Surgery?
People with numerous types of heart disease need to have serious cardiac surgery. These include several issues like coronary artery disease, heart valve disorders and congenital heart defects. These issues might result in blockages in the arteries and vessels that transmit blood to the heart. Even some people have problems with valves that do not work properly and break in the normal rhythms of the heart.
Generally, cardiac surgery is prescribed beforehand to stay out of risk and is an important part of the diagnosis. It occurs when the cardiologist makes a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease within your heart, and surgery is the only option to cure it.
Oftentimes, heart disease can happen to anyone before expecting it and in this case, cardiovascular surgery is an emergency treatment. This issue can happen if anyone seems to have a cardiac arrest or if they are diagnosed with really dangerous heart blockages.
Depending on how severe the problem is, you might not require surgery. Therefore, you should make an appointment for a Cardiologist to get the best heart treatment in Dum Dum, Kolkata.
Different types of heart surgery
There are numerous types of cardiovascular surgery which are done depending on how severe the condition of the patient is.
- Coronary artery bypass grafting often known as CABG treats damaged coronary arteries. This creates a new passage for the blood to flow into the heart.
- Aneurysm repair surgery replaces the damaged part of the aorta by using a graft. It offers another safer way for the blood to flow.
- Left ventricular reconstructive surgery aids aneurysms that form in the muscles of your heart. This might happen due to a heart attack.
- Septal Myectomy assists patients who are having the problem of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This type of disease thickens the cardiac wall leading to improper blood flow.
- Inserting technological devices like a permanent pacemaker, left ventricular assist device (LVAD) or implantable cardioverter device (ICD) can make the condition far better.
- Heart transplantation is done for those who have end-stage cardiac failure.
Conditions that are treated with cardiac surgery
Cardiac surgery affects and treats several critical heart problems.
1. Congenital heart disease
2. Coronary artery disease
3. Cardiac failure
4. Heart valve disease
5. Arrhythmias
6. Aneurysms
Risks or complications associated with heart surgery
Open Heart surgery in Kolkata can enhance the quality of life and make things better after the operation. However, it has several flaws or risks that can happen after the surgery. However, it depends on the patients and their conditions.
1. Bleeding
2. Damage in nearer blood vessels or artery
3. Heart stroke
4. Having more confusion or less clarity in thinking
5. Having an allergic reaction to anaesthesia
Moreover, the chances of the risks become higher if the patient is found to have diabetes, kidney problems, obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or peripheral artery disease.
Wrapping Up
This blog gives you a detailed idea of what heart surgery is actually, its types and the diseases cured. We have made a discussion on the types of surgeries that are performed and the diseases that are aided. Moreover, we have also mentioned the usage of technological innovation that can help with cardiac disease.
However, heart surgery is a short-term procedure but aftercare is a long-term procedure which must be taken care of. Before taking any serious decision you should consult with an experienced cardiologist who can diagnose the problem.
FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)
Here are some of the frequently asked questions and answers that you should know when you go for a consultation with the best heart surgeon in Kolkata.
Q1. What should be expected before the surgery?
The surgery is very severe and you will be restricted from eating or drinking after midnight before the surgery. Several medicines like aspirin, will be restricted as it clots the blood.
Q2. What happens during the surgery?
During heart surgery the cardiologists will make an access through the breastbone and extend the ribs to operate the heart.
Q3. How long is the surgery conducted?
The duration of the surgery depends on how severe the problem is. For instance, the coronary artery bypass surgery is conducted for about 3 to 6 hours.
Q4. What are the restrictions after the surgery?
You cannot do any heavy household chores in the home. Activities like walking, taking the stairs will be restricted after a few months of surgery. Shouting will be completely limited as it will affect the heart.
Q5. Can someone do exercise after the surgery?
After the heart surgery you will wonder if exercising will be safe. But, exercising and staying fit will keep you healthy. It can strengthen your body and keep you healthier.