Various Types Of Surgical Approaches For Hysterectomy
Hysterectomy is the surgical approach of removing the uterus surgically from the body. Uterus is the place where the embryo grows into baby during pregnancy. Thus, after performing hysterectomy, it is biologically impossible to conceive a baby anymore. During several hysterectomy procedures, the ovaries and the fallopian tubes may also be discarded from the body by gynecologists in Kolkata. Thus, altogether, the occurrence of menstrual cycle and pregnancy ceases completely.
There are several methods in which hysterectomy can be performed. Each of these method employs either general or local anesthesia. The former puts you to sleep throughout the surgery, so that you feel no pain at all. The later one numbs your body from the waist-down. Along with some sedative, it keeps you relaxed throughout the procedure. There are 3 main types of procedures by which hysterectomy is carried out.
1. Abdominal Hysterectomy– It is one of the most employed traditional method of removing uterus by gynecologists in Kolkata. The surgeon makes an incision similar to that of a cesarean section, on the abdominal wall, usually above the pubic bone. The incisions may either be horizontal or vertical.
This procedure provides maximum access to the abdominal cavity and the reproductive organs. Some of the most complex cases are done by this method. Previously, the occurrence of severe infection was a major disadvantage of this procedure, but it is no longer a major issue in modern medical world. It takes about 4-6 weeks times for recovering.
2. Vaginal Hysterectomies– The uterus is removed through an incision made in the vaginal canal. As it does not involve any external incision, it makes no visible scars. There are numerous benefits to this type of surgery in terms of shorter hospital stay, quicker recovery time and fewer complications.
3. Laparoscopic Hysterectomies– A laparoscope is a thin optical fibre, with camera and light source on one end and allows the surgeon to perform desired movements through the other end. 3-4 small incisions are made and the laparoscope is inserted inside the abdomen. The surgeon uses carbon dioxide to inflate the abdomen in order to provide working space for the operation. It is preferred over traditional surgeries because the wounds heal faster. It is of two types-
a) Laparoscopic-Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy(LAVH)- It is a total hysterectomy method, in which the cervix is necessarily taken out.
b) Laparoscopic-Assisted Supracervical Hysterectomies(LASH)- in this procedure the uterus is removed without taking out the cervix. The infected part is cut in small pieces and extracted out of the body.