Lipid Profile
Fasting 12 Hours. Can drink water.
Fasting Blood Glucose
Fasting 8 hours. If on insulin, follow doctor’s advice
Postprandial Blood Glucose
2 hours after starting a meal.
Glucose Tolerance Test (Pregnant)
Fasting 8 hours
Vitamin B12 AND Folate
Fasting not required
Fasting 8 hours
Digoxin Level
Blood drawn 6-8 hours after last dose of digoxin. Note time of last dose.
Apo lipoproteins A1/B Test
Fasting 14 hours
Autoimmune Antibodies Testing
Bring prior ANA test findings.
Liver Function Test (LFT)
Fasting not required

Urine Routine / Culture
First morning sample preferable for urine routine test and mandatory for culture test. Use sterile container. Avoid touching inside of container/ lid to maintain sterility. Wash hands with soap and water. Wash genital area three times with soap and water. Collect mid-stream urine into sterile container.

24 Hour Urine Specimens
Do not collect first morning sample. After that onwards collect all urine passed into container for next 24 hours and store in a cool Location away from sunlight. Take specimen to lab as soon as possible. After collection of urine sample transport, the sample within one hour to laboratory. Between collection and transport store the sample in cool place away from sunlight.

Semen Analysis
Refrain from sexual intercourse or masturbation for 3 to 4 days. Produce sample by masturbation without artificial lubricants. Do not use any condom, Collect sample into clean, wide mouth container. Collect the whole ejaculate and bring to laboratory. Keep specimen warm in pocket near your body.

Sputum for Culture and Acid Fast Mycobacterium (AFB)
Rinse mouth and gargle with water immediately prior to collection. Collect specimen from deep cough into a sterile container. Avoid any contamination with saliva. Return specimen preferably within 30 minutes of collection. If there is delay, refrigerate specimen. Outside sample should be brought with in 1 hour to laboratory.

Pelvis / Lower Abdomen / Screening
Needs full bladder so drink plenty of water from 1 hour prior to test -
Renal Artery Doppler / Renal System Screening Bowel preparation. Light breakfast can be taken.
Upper Abdomen / Screening / Color Doppler with Upper Abdomen
Whole Abdomen / Color Doppler / Pelvis
Whole Abdomen (Screening)
Fasting 6 hours along with water 1 hour prior to examination -
Color Doppler with Kidney Graft, Renal Artery
Bowel preparation.
Barium Small Bowel
Preparation as colonoscopy. Can take fluids, no solid food. -
Abdomen Erect / Supine / Straight / Abdomen LAT / Supine
Fasting 4 hours with Bowel preparation prior to testing. -
3 hours fasting prior to X-Ray -
IVP (with contrast) / Barium Enema (with contrast) / Barium Meal (with contrast) / Barium Swallow
Fasting 8 hours with bowel preparation prior to testing, 4 Hours fasting for barium swallow.

Pituitary / Spectroscopy Brain / Prostrate
Requires serum urea, creatinine test reports and fasting for 2 hours. -
Whole Abdomen
Requires serum urea, creatinine test reports and overnight fasting for 12 hours.
CT Scan
Pituitary Fossa
Requires serum urea, creatinine, test reports and fasting for 4 hours prior to testing. -
3D Reconstruction/Angio Abdominal Aorta/Angio Srota and Lower Limb Arteries/Angio Brain, Neck/Cerebral Vessels/Upper Vessels/Aorta/Pulmonary Angio/Cisternography/Guided Biopsy/Guided Drainage/Kidney Biopsy/Guided Procedure/FNAC Requires serum urea, creatinine, BT/CT, INR test reports and fasting for 4 hours prior to testing.

Pregnant women cannot undergo X-Ray or CT tests To know how more about bowel preparation, refer to the FAQ section.

Endoscopy Fasting for 6 hours.
Day before the procedure:
- Take lunch within 4 pm and take 2 Dulcolax tablets after lunch
- Do not eat anything after lunch other than liquid diet
- At 6 – 8 pm in evening take half packet of Exclyte mixing with 2 litres of water
- Take plenty of water along with ORS On the day of procedure
- At 6 – 8 am in morning take 1/2 packets of Exclyte powder mixing in 2 litres of water
- Do not eat or drink anything before the procedure
- Take Duphalac or loose enema before coming for the procedure.
Please follow leaflet regarding instruction for using enema
- Test report of serology /viral marker is required for conducting the procedure
- Attendant must accompany the patient on the day of procedure
- Can take liquids (plain water, coconut water, juice) after 4 pm on the completion of procedure

Stress Echo / 2D Echo / Echo Screening Do not eat or drink caffeine products (eg. chocolate, soda, tea, coffee or Excedrin) for four hours before the test. Do not stop taking any medication without consulting the doctor.
TMT Test Consult physician about beta blockers for 48 hours and calcium channel blockers 24 hours before the exam. Do not eat or drink anything other than water for three hours.
CAG Light breakfast allowed only, unless patient is scheduled in morning. 4hrs empty stomach with well hydration.
- Consult with hospital about exact pre-test information before any diagnostic test
- Book prior appointment and report to reception counter at scheduled time
- Inform hospital about any cancellations or postponements at least 24 hours in advance
- Provide stool and urine samples on day of test
- Bring all relevant health records and medical reports
- Do not take Alcohol, Cigarettes, or Tobacco before any test
- Inform receptionist regarding Diabetic or Cardiac problems and also regarding pregnancy
- Undergoing some test during menstrual cycle is not advisable
- Bandage applied during sample collection can be removed after an hour
- For an easy blood collection wear sleeveless dress
Fasting means (Light meal in the previous evening) you should not eat or drink anything, except water. Consult hospital regarding any medication to be taken during the fasting period.
Liquid diet can include coffee and tea, clear soups, fruit juices, saboo water, barley water, coconut water, etc. Do not use milk or any milk product. No alcoholic drinks or beverages allowed.
Taking one Festal-N three times a day for two days and two Gerbisa for two days after dinner.
You will need: An enema kit, towels, petroleum jelly, and a place to lie down Fill the enema bag with the solution, using water at body temperature. Make sure clamp is shut. Lay towels on floor, preferably in bathroom. Roll up towels to use as bolster. Keep some other towels and washcloths within arm’s reach. Hold bag with hose end down and open clamp to get rid of any air bubbles. Hang bag alongside so it can be accessed while lying on your left side. Lie on the floor on your left side with the right knee bent, placing the rolled-up towel under the right knee to support it. Lubricate end of tube. Using the right hand, gently insert tube no more than 4 inches into your rectum. Bear down and push the anus out as you insert the tube. This may be uncomfortable but should not cause pain. Stop if there is pain and call your doctor. Lie on your left side and pull your knees to your chest. Start squeezing the enema container to push the liquid into the rectum. Try to empty all of the contents by squeezing from the bottom of the container to the top. Wait for the fluid to enter your rectum, breathing deeply and until the bag is empty. Remove nozzle from your rectum gradually. After the allotted time, evacuate the bowels into the toilet as per instructions of hospital. Stay close to a toilet for the next 30 to 60 minutes as it may be necessary to go to the toilet several times.
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